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作者:马伟 出版日期:2016年12月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12968 字 所属图书:阿拉伯研究论丛 2016年第1期(总第3期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:It has been 5 years since the Syrian Crisis broke out in 2011,the community of nations’ attitude and actions are directly influencing the development of the crisis so as the future of Syria. China has always been adhering to the united nations charter and international rules,advocating and supporting the notion that “political transition is the only way to solve Syrian Crisis” and participating in international actions of defendi... 展开

Abstract:It has been 5 years since the Syrian Crisis broke out in 2011,the community of nations’ attitude and actions are directly influencing the development of the crisis so as the future of Syria. China has always been adhering to the united nations charter and international rules,advocating and supporting the notion that “political transition is the only way to solve Syrian Crisis” and participating in international actions of defending Syrian’s sovereignty. What kind of foreign policy does China adopt on Syria?How is it going to develop and change?How will China declare its position and policy?This essay will illustrate China’s position and principle starting from China’s interests and appeals on Syria basing on China’s statements and actions in the community of nations.


