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作者:周兴泰 出版日期:2017年12月 报告页数:36 页 报告大小: 报告字数:38217 字 所属丛书:华侨华人蓝皮书 所属图书:华侨华人研究报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:马来西亚华人公会简称马华公会或马华,它是中国大陆之外当今世界上最大的华人政党,党员大约110万人,并自马来西亚建国以来就一直是该国最重要的执政党联盟成员之一。2013年中国“一带一路”建设构想提出后,马华公会积极响应,通过各种行为积极参与并推动中马两国21世纪海上丝绸之路合作共建,包括通过政党外交搭建对话平台、发挥执政优势积极牵线搭桥、新设党务机构对接“一带一路”、支持和主办各种学术研讨会与文化艺术活动、通过舆论发声积极阐释引导和党务计划纳入... 展开

文章摘要:马来西亚华人公会简称马华公会或马华,它是中国大陆之外当今世界上最大的华人政党,党员大约110万人,并自马来西亚建国以来就一直是该国最重要的执政党联盟成员之一。2013年中国“一带一路”建设构想提出后,马华公会积极响应,通过各种行为积极参与并推动中马两国21世纪海上丝绸之路合作共建,包括通过政党外交搭建对话平台、发挥执政优势积极牵线搭桥、新设党务机构对接“一带一路”、支持和主办各种学术研讨会与文化艺术活动、通过舆论发声积极阐释引导和党务计划纳入寻求战略对接等。究其原因,在现实层面上主要是为了重新赢回华裔选民的信心并为下届大选作准备,在根本层面上则是为了维护马来西亚华人权益和马来西亚多元、中庸、世俗的现代国家体制,以及中马两国关系当前的进一步友好交流与发展。对此,中国方面应采取行动积极回应,并进一步发挥“一带一路 马华带路”作用,同时应注意避免相关敏感问题的出现。


Abstract:The Malaysia Chinese Association is called the MCA Party or MCA for short. It is the largest Chinese party in the world outside mainland China. With about 1.1 million party members,it has been one of Malaysia’s most important allied members of the ruling party since its founding. Since “The Belt and Road” initiative was proposed in 2013,MCA has responded positively and taken various actions to actively participate in and promote ... 展开

Abstract:The Malaysia Chinese Association is called the MCA Party or MCA for short. It is the largest Chinese party in the world outside mainland China. With about 1.1 million party members,it has been one of Malaysia’s most important allied members of the ruling party since its founding. Since “The Belt and Road” initiative was proposed in 2013,MCA has responded positively and taken various actions to actively participate in and promote the cooperation between China and Malaysia in 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road cooperation,including building a platform for dialogue through the political party diplomacy,coordinating with different sides actively with its advantages,establishing new party organizations so as to respond to “The Belt and Road” initiative,supporting and hosting various academic discussions and cultural and artistic activities,explaining for the public and guiding the media actively,and even bringing “The Belt and Road” initiative into its party planning and seeking strategic link and so on. As for the reason,on the direct level,it is mainly to win back the confidence of Malaysia Chinese voters and prepare for the next election;while on the fundamental level,it is to safeguard the rights and interests of Malaysia Chinese,the pluralistic,golden mean and secular modern state system of Malaysia and promote the friendly exchanges between China and Malaysia and development of bilateral relations further. In this regard,Chinese should take positive actions to respond and continue to play the leading role of the Malaysia Chinese Association. At the same time,attention should be paid to avoiding the emergence of sensitive issues.


