文章摘要:“一带一路”是中央统揽国内国外两个大局,基于国家主权安全和经济发展利益需要,在周边和国际环境趋于复杂的背景下,提出的一个重大的地缘政治和地缘经济战略构想。21世纪海上丝绸之路建设的基本路径是:以国际经贸合作为核心,以海上运输通道和基础设施建设为骨架,以沿线的重点港口、中心城市、资源区块、产业园区为支撑体系,以互联互通和贸易投资便利化为手段,以利益共同体和命运共同体为战略方向,推动以南海和战略通道为主的海上合作和共同开发,实现海上的联通便... 展开
Abstract:B& R is a major geopolitical and geo-economy strategy that proposed due to the needs of national security and economic development in the context of the neighboring and international environment tends to be complex. The main path to construct the 21st-Century MSR is:regarding international economic cooperation as the centre,taking the maritime shipping route and infrastructure as main frame,making the key ports,central cities,res... 展开