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作者:朱泉钢 出版日期:2018年12月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13734 字 所属丛书:中东黄皮书 所属图书:中东发展报告:聚焦叙利亚问题:新进展和新趋势No.20(2017~2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:也门危机是理解中东地区局势的独特窗口,它肇始于阿拉伯剧变时的民众抗议,发展为当前多股力量参与的喋血内战。2017年底,统治也门33年之久的萨利赫遇害身亡,不仅造成亲胡塞力量和反胡塞集团内部的分化组合,而且引发了敌对力量的新一轮激烈军事冲突。这既破坏了新任联合国秘书长也门问题特使格里菲斯的斡旋努力,又加剧了也门的人道主义危机和恐怖主义肆虐等非传统安全问题。也门危机的最终解决有赖于政治和谈,这既要吸取之前主要政治力量和谈失败的教训,又要重视地方... 展开



Abstract:The Yemen crisis is a unique window to understand the situation of the Middle East. The popular uprisings of the Arab Spring ignited the Yemen crisis,which developed into a bloody civil war. At the end of 2017,the former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh,who ruled in Yemen for 33 years was killed by Houthis. It not only caused pro-Houthi forces and anti-Houthi group internal divisions,but also triggered a new round of fierce mil... 展开

Abstract:The Yemen crisis is a unique window to understand the situation of the Middle East. The popular uprisings of the Arab Spring ignited the Yemen crisis,which developed into a bloody civil war. At the end of 2017,the former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh,who ruled in Yemen for 33 years was killed by Houthis. It not only caused pro-Houthi forces and anti-Houthi group internal divisions,but also triggered a new round of fierce military conflicts between the opposing sides. The new UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths faces an uphill battle to bring belligerent parties to the negotiating table. The civil war perpetuates the humanitarian catastrophe that allow terrorist groups to flourish. To end the conflict and create a lasting peace,the political negotiation is crucial. It is necessary to draw lessons from the previous peace talks,and pay attention to the role of local actors.


