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作者:耿慧玲 出版日期:2012年05月 报告页数:28 页 报告大小: 报告字数:22385 字 所属图书:海洋史研究(第三辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:“北虏南寇”是越南在宋元之际对于蒙古军南下的历史记忆。在元军一路对其他地区以秋风扫落叶之势进行武力征服的时刻,越南却在历经三次与元军激烈的军事对抗之后,基本上阻挡了元军的攻势,保住了越南的自主统治。这对于后世越南及中国大西南地区的发展,产生极为重要的影响。越南究竟以何种方式对元军进行抵抗?本论文拟从几方越南的碑记,探讨越南在此时刻的因应措施,分析当时的政治情势,作为大航海时代到来前夕东南亚与中国东南地区政治与社会势力发展的研究基础。在... 展开



Abstract:During the fall of the Song Dynasty and the formation of the Sino-Mongolian “Yuan” Empire,Vietnam experienced what they called “barbarian invasion from the north”.The Mongolians achieved much military success during their Asian campaigns,but Vietnam forces managed to break the Mongolian offensive forces.This victory not only ensured Vietnamese autonomy during the height of Mongolian domination in Asia,but also deeply affected h... 展开

Abstract:During the fall of the Song Dynasty and the formation of the Sino-Mongolian “Yuan” Empire,Vietnam experienced what they called “barbarian invasion from the north”.The Mongolians achieved much military success during their Asian campaigns,but Vietnam forces managed to break the Mongolian offensive forces.This victory not only ensured Vietnamese autonomy during the height of Mongolian domination in Asia,but also deeply affected how history developed in Vietnam and the greater south-western region of China.How did Vietnam ward off the powerful Mongols?This paper focuses on Vietnamese epigraphic data,and provides an analysis of the political situation in southeastern Asia during the Mongolian offensive.Funerary Stele of Princess Feng Yang provides ample genealogical information that could be systematized into a detailed imperial genealogy for the Tran Dynasty.The genealogy reveals a political structure that is a feudalistic aristocracy based on consanguinity;Hu’ng Vu’o’ng was the central figure who organized the upper class aristocracy into a fighting force that has the military means and cohesiveness to fend off Mongolian forces. “ Thông Thánh quán chung ky” is a inscription that relates historical accounts of the Tran Dynasty.A section dealt with the Mongol invasion and how remnant expatriates of the Song Dynasty forged an alliance with imperial forces of the Tran Dynasty to fight the Mongols.These remnant expatriates are by no means equal in respect to their devotion to the resistance,however;members of different social status were clearly varied in terms of their willingness to continue another war against the Mongols.Contrast such reluctance among the Song Dynasty expatriates,inscription from the Xing Fu Si Stele show glimpses of willing groups of Vietnamese local strongmen being the primary benefactors to Vietnam’s successful defense. Military success achieved by the Tran Dynasty was groundbreaking,because Vietnam was able to maintain de facto autonomy,and was able to extend its power to other parts of Southeastern China,and carve out a sub-suzerainty for itself.



