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作者:丁一凡 戴冬梅 出版日期:2021年10月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14022 字 所属丛书:法国蓝皮书 所属图书:法国发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年的法国受新冠肺炎疫情冲击不小,到2021年春,法国成为欧洲疫情感染最严重的国家之一。疫情对法国的政局、经济都产生了巨大影响,各党派根据疫情重新安排自己的选举战略。法国政治制度的特殊安排使总统、总理、国民议会与参议院等各种政治权力在疫情中搅在一起,互相牵制。幸好法国行政改革使地方权力有所增加,各级地方组织在应对疫情上各显神通,为将来的行政改革提供了新的思路。法国经济在疫情背景下严重衰退,政府采取了很多的财政措施来缓解疫情影响。法国政府... 展开



Abstract:In 2020,France was seriously affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. By the spring of 2021,France has become the most severely infected country in Europe. The epidemic has had a huge impact on France’s politics and economy,and various political parties have rearranged their election strategies in accordance with the epidemic. The peculiarity of the French political system has caused an intertwined game among various political instituti... 展开

Abstract:In 2020,France was seriously affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. By the spring of 2021,France has become the most severely infected country in Europe. The epidemic has had a huge impact on France’s politics and economy,and various political parties have rearranged their election strategies in accordance with the epidemic. The peculiarity of the French political system has caused an intertwined game among various political institutions such as the President,the Prime Minister,the National Assembly,and the Senate,restraining French government ability to control the epidemic. Fortunately,the French administrative reform had increased local powers,and local organizations at all levels have shown their abilities in responding to the epidemic,providing new ideas for future administrative reforms. The French economy suffered a severe recession during the epidemic,and the government has taken numerous fiscal measures to alleviate the impact of the epidemic. The French government is trying to take the opportunity to rebuild the industrial production chain,but it still faces huge challenges. Despite the severe epidemic,the French people still took to the streets in 2020 to protest against the government’s bills to be passed in the National Assembly. One involves the reform of the pension system and the other involves the supervision over the police forces suspected of violent law enforcement. France has also experienced terrorist attacks by extreme Islamic forces in 2020. A series of “counter-measures” taken by the French government has triggered tensions and conflicts between France and Muslim countries. As a global power with big political influence in the world arena,France has stepped up its assistance to Africa during the epidemic and also strengthened its “Indo-Pacific strategy”. Although France has shown its presence in the Middle East through its special relationship with Lebanon,it is difficult for it to regain its special influence in the Middle East,due to its tension with Muslim countries.


