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作者:范娟荣 出版时间:2021年08月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:28515 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:海外公共安全与合作评估报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年以来,国际恐怖主义威胁依然严峻复杂。遭受重创的恐怖组织”伊斯兰国“利用国际社会全力抗击疫情之机,频繁发动恐怖袭击以削弱”敌人“力量并提升自身影响力。”基地“组织则在一些国家的偏远地区和冲突地区深深扎根。南亚、东南亚和非洲的部分国家与地区地缘政治形势复杂、宗教矛盾尖锐、国内战乱不断、恐怖袭击频发,疫情后经济严重受挫、失业率不断攀升,恐怖主义活动更加猖獗。在新冠病毒肆虐的大背景下,应对疫情成为各国的优先处理事项,国际反恐受重视程度不... 展开



Abstract:From 2020,international terrorism has remained grim and complex. While the international community maintains momentum in the fight against the COVID-19,the hard-hit “Islamic State” takes the opportunity to spread its propaganda and launch frequent terrorist attacks,attempting to weaken the power of its “enemy” and improve its own influence. Another terrorist group,Al-Qaeda has put down roots in far-flung areas and conflict zon... 展开

Abstract:From 2020,international terrorism has remained grim and complex. While the international community maintains momentum in the fight against the COVID-19,the hard-hit “Islamic State” takes the opportunity to spread its propaganda and launch frequent terrorist attacks,attempting to weaken the power of its “enemy” and improve its own influence. Another terrorist group,Al-Qaeda has put down roots in far-flung areas and conflict zones of some countries. Some regions and countries in South Asia,Southeast Asia and Africa,with complicated geopolitics,sharp religious contradictions,constant civil wars,and frequent terrorist attacks,have witnessed even more rampant terrorist activities since the epidemic has damaged the economy,making more and more people lose their jobs. As countries around the globe are struggling to combat the outbreak as a priority,they attach less importance to anti-terrorism. Western countries,especially the United States,have decreased their willingness to counter terrorism,sending less and less anti-terrorism troops to the South Asia,Africa and other regions;developing countries,especially Iraq,Yemen Republic,and the Sahel countries,are confronting both internal and external threats. Albeit eagerly,they don’t have sufficient power. To prevent terrorists from creating chaos during the prevention and control of the COVID-19,the United Nations calls on the international community to keep an eye on the movements of terrorism. China,jointly with the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in terms of anti-terrorism,has contributed to the regional stability as much as we can.



