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作者:王中亚 出版时间:2020年04月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9626 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:中国区域经济发展报告(2019~2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:工业是立国之本、兴国之器、富国之路、强国之基,工业是国民经济的主导。没有工业经济的高质量发展,就没有现代化经济体系,就没有中国经济高质量发展。本报告借鉴现有研究成果,构建中部地区工业经济高质量发展评价指标体系,包括创新发展、协调发展、绿色发展、开放发展和共享发展五大方面共计16个具体评价指标。利用相关统计年鉴数据,综合采取主客观方法确定指标权重,对中国中部地区六省工业经济高质量发展水平进行测度。评价结果显示,中部地区工业经济高质量发展综... 展开



Abstract:Industry is the foundation of a country,the tool of prosperity,the road to prosperity and the foundation of a powerful country,and industry is the leading force of the national economy. Without the high-quality development of industrial economy,there will be no modern economic system and no high-quality development of China’s economy. Based on the existing research results,this study constructs the evaluation index system of hig... 展开

Abstract:Industry is the foundation of a country,the tool of prosperity,the road to prosperity and the foundation of a powerful country,and industry is the leading force of the national economy. Without the high-quality development of industrial economy,there will be no modern economic system and no high-quality development of China’s economy. Based on the existing research results,this study constructs the evaluation index system of high-quality industrial economic development in the central region,including innovation development,coordinated development,green development,open development and shared development,totaling 16 specific evaluation indicators. Using the relevant statistical data,the index weight is determined by subjective and objective methods,and the high-quality development level of industrial economy in six provinces in central China is measured. The evaluation results show that the ranking of the comprehensive evaluation of high-quality industrial economic development in the central region from high to low is Anhui,Hunan,Hubei,Jiangxi,Henan and Shanxi. The order of innovation and development is consistent with the order of comprehensive evaluation;The order of coordinated development is Jiangxi,Henan,Anhui,Hubei,Hunan and Shanxi;The ranking of green development is Hubei,Hunan,Henan,Anhui,Jiangxi and Shanxi;The ranking of open development is Jiangxi,Anhui,Hunan,Hubei,Henan and Shanxi;The ranking of shared development is Anhui,Hubei,Hunan,Jiangxi,Henan and Shanxi. Finally,the report proposes that we should focus on five development concepts and take various measures to promote the high-quality development of regional industrial economy in a coordinated manner.



