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作者:陈世栋 出版时间:2021年03月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12359 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:中国区域经济发展报告(2020~2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:改革开放以来,快速的经济发展和各类生产要素的单向流动,逐渐拉大了广东内部珠三角和粤东西北等四大次区域间的差距,区域发展不平衡不充分问题成为广东高质量发展中必须正视的问题。本文分析了广东区域协调发展的历程,并根据2018年以来广东省委基于新的空间治理思维而提出的“一核一带一区”战略部署,构建指标体系,从基本公共服务、生活水平、交通通达度等方面及三大功能区角度,测度了广东内部区域协调发展情况。结果表明,“十三五”时期以来,广东整体区域协调度有... 展开



Abstract:Since the reform and opening up,the rapid economic development and the one-way flow of various production factors have gradually widened the gap among the four sub-regions in Guangdong,including the Pearl River Delta and the east and northwest of Guangdong. The unbalanced and inadequate regional development has become a problem that must be faced up to in the high-quality development of Guangdong. Firstly,the process of regional co... 展开

Abstract:Since the reform and opening up,the rapid economic development and the one-way flow of various production factors have gradually widened the gap among the four sub-regions in Guangdong,including the Pearl River Delta and the east and northwest of Guangdong. The unbalanced and inadequate regional development has become a problem that must be faced up to in the high-quality development of Guangdong. Firstly,the process of regional coordinated development in Guangdong Province was analyzed,according to the strategic deployment of “one core,one belt and one area” proposed by Guangdong provincial Party committee based on the new spatial governance thinking since 2018,The index system was constructed to measure the coordinated development of the three regions in Guangdong Province from the aspects of basic public services,people’s living standards,and transportation accessibility. The results show that,since 2016,the overall regional coordination degree of Guangdong has improved,which is mainly manifested in the decline of the “polarization and storage” role of the “one core” region,the strengthening of the spillover effect of development factors,and the improvement of the regional coordination degree of the “one belt”(7 cities in eastern and western Guangdong)and “one zone” regions. Finally,we puts forward the development ideas and key points of the three regions in Guangdong from the perspective of functional integration.



