文章摘要:创新是引领我国经济高质量发展的核心驱动力,城市群作为国家参与全球竞争的主要地域单元,更应重视并把握时代潮流,以创新带动区域发展。将我国东部三大城市群的创新效率及其影响因素进行对比分析有利于城市群间取长补短、相互借鉴、共同提升。本文根据2013~2017年我国东部三大城市群科技创新投入与产出的面板数据,运用DEA模型对东部三大城市群部分城市的创新效率进行测度,并重点对比京津冀城市群与其他两个城市群创新效率及其影响因素的差异。实证表明,我国东部三大... 展开
Abstract:Innovation is the core driving force for the high-quality development of China’s economy. As the main regional unit of the country’s participation in global competition,urban agglomeration should pay more attention to and grasp the trend of the times and promote regional development with innovation. The comparative analysis of the innovation efficiency and its influencing factors of the three major urban agglomerations in the easte... 展开