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作者:李源非 施鹏佳 林昶咏 出版日期:2021年09月 报告页数:8 页 报告大小: 报告字数:7685 字 所属丛书:低碳发展蓝皮书 所属图书:福建“碳达峰、碳中和”报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:能源“双控”(以下简称“双控”)即能源消费总量控制和能耗强度控制。“十一五”时期以来,我国“双控”政策逐步完善,对我国加快能源资源利用模式转变、实现高质量发展发挥了重要作用。能源领域是最大的碳排放源,在“双碳”目标的引领下,未来“双控”政策将进一步深化完善,成为“十四五”期间推动低碳发展的重要抓手。福建省“双控”工作成效显著,2019年全省能源消费总量为1。37亿吨标准煤,“十三五”时期以来增长约1856万吨;能耗强度为324千克标准煤/万元,“十... 展开



Abstract:The two energy control goals are total energy consumption control and energy consumption intensity control. Since the 11th Five-Year Plan period,policies of the two energy control goals have been gradually improved,which have played an important role in accelerating the transformation of China’s energy and resource utilization mode and realizing high-quality development. Considering the energy sector is the largest source of carbon... 展开

Abstract:The two energy control goals are total energy consumption control and energy consumption intensity control. Since the 11th Five-Year Plan period,policies of the two energy control goals have been gradually improved,which have played an important role in accelerating the transformation of China’s energy and resource utilization mode and realizing high-quality development. Considering the energy sector is the largest source of carbon emissions,the two energy control goals will be further improved and become an important part of promoting low-carbon development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period under the guidance of the two carbon goals. In 2019,Fujian’s total energy consumption reached 137 million tons of standard coal,with an increase of about 18.56 million tons since the 13th Five-Year Plan. The energy consumption intensity is 324 kg standard coal per ten thousand yuan,which has decreased by about 15.3% since the 13th Five-Year Plan. It is expected to exceed the two energy control goals during the 13th Five-Year Plan. In the future,there exists both opportunities and challenges for Fujian to promote the two energy control goals. It is necessary to coordinate the relationship between energy conservation and emission reduction,economy and environment,government and market,production and life,and other multi-dimensional factors,to facilitate breakthroughs of the carbon reduction work.




