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作者:高东新 张楠 出版日期:2021年09月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11954 字 所属丛书:“一带一路”蓝皮书 所属图书:“一带一路”建设发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:城市的发展与国家的战略走向紧密相关。从2013年习近平主席提出“一带一路”倡议到2019年第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛的成功举办,“一带一路”倡议传播到世界各个国家和地区。“一带一路”从提出理念到落地生根再到开花结果,在国际社会中得到了广泛响应,取得了丰硕的合作成果。这一倡议的不断深化,超越了其本身的地理范畴,将认同国际多边合作机制、有意共谋发展合作的国家聚拢在一起。从国际合作的角度看,“一带一路”倡议天然的多边主义属性为解决全球发展和... 展开



Abstract:The development of a city is closely related to the strategic trend of a country. The “Belt and Road” Initiative was proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013,and the Second “Belt and Road” Forum for International Cooperation was successfully held in 2019,demonstrating the spread of this Initiative to various regions and countries around the globe. From conception to implementation and then to fruition,the “Belt and Road” Init... 展开

Abstract:The development of a city is closely related to the strategic trend of a country. The “Belt and Road” Initiative was proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013,and the Second “Belt and Road” Forum for International Cooperation was successfully held in 2019,demonstrating the spread of this Initiative to various regions and countries around the globe. From conception to implementation and then to fruition,the “Belt and Road” Initiative has received wide response from the international community and yielded fruitful results through cooperation. The Initiative has continued to deepen beyond its own geographic scope,bringing together countries that recognize international multilateral cooperation mechanisms and are disposed to seek common development and cooperation. From the perspective of international cooperation,the natural multilateralism of the Initiative provides Chinese solution to global development and governance issues. From the perspective of urban development,the implementation of the Initiative has brought new opportunities for the development of Chinese cities in the new era. Xi’an has strategic geographic location,high-end leading industries,unique historic culture,and various favorable policies. By virtue of these urban attributes,Xi’an will move faster into the historical fast lane of urban rejuvenation through the “Belt and Road” Initiative.




