文章摘要:在全球气候加剧变化的背景下,气候灾害的频率和强度不断增加,对人类的生存构成威胁。气候保险对分散气候风险和弥补灾害损失具有特殊作用,被视为管理气候灾害风险的创新手段。首先,本文系统地梳理了新中国成立70周年以来气候保险的发展历程;其次,在总结我国农业天气保险和巨灾保险两种主要气候保险发展现状的基础上,归纳了我国气候保险发展中存在的政策不完善、险种开发少、基础设施不完善、国民保险意识不足等问题与困难;最后,建议我国应建立符合国情的气候风险分... 展开
Abstract:In the context of intensifying global climate change,the infrequency and intensity of climate disasters is increasing,and threatens human survival. Climate insurance plays a special role in dispersing climate risks and reducing losses. It is regarded as an innovative means to manage climate disaster risks. Firstly,this paper systematically combs the development of climate insurance in China since the founding of the country;Second... 展开