文章摘要:电动汽车是能源转型的关键解决方案之一。在可再生能源比例不断提升的背景下,以电动汽车替代传统燃油车可有效促进节能减排,治理空气污染和增加能源安全。全球电动汽车市场的发展主要在最近十年,中国已经成为其中的最大市场和主要推动者。在中国的电动汽车发展的三个主要阶段中,激励政策的角色至关重要。激励政策可以划分为直接激励政策和间接激励政策。作为首要的直接激励政策,电动汽车购置补贴政策的变化直接影响着全球电动汽车市场的发展。随着零购置补贴时代的来临... 展开
Abstract:Electric vehicle (EV) is one of the key solutions for global energy transition. In the background of the rising renewables penetration globally,replacing conventional combustion vehicles by EVs could effectively help on tackling climate change,addressing air pollution and improving energy security. The development of global EV market happens in the last ten years,during when China has become the biggest market and promoter. In th... 展开