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作者:姜大霖 出版日期:2016年11月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10382 字 所属丛书:气候变化绿皮书 所属图书:应对气候变化报告(2016):《巴黎协定》重在落实 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在推进生态文明建设和应对气候变化的时代背景下,我国煤炭行业必须实现绿色转型。煤炭行业绿色转型的内涵丰富,在转型过程中,化解产能过剩、减少污染物排放以实现清洁化转化利用应为近中期的紧迫性问题,但如何实现高效和低碳化利用,将是煤炭行业面对的更为持久性和瓶颈性的问题。推动煤炭行业深度碳减排既是行业自身实现可持续发展的必需条件,也是我国能源革命与经济绿色转型总体进程的必要过渡。煤基/碳基固体氧化物燃料电池技术(SOFC)和二氧化碳捕集、利用与封存... 展开



Abstract:Faced with facilitating ecological civilization construction and tackling climate change,the coal industry in our country must transform itself and aim at green development. There are multiple dimensions to the transformation of the coal industry. Although there exist some early-medium term urgent issues,such as solving the problem of over-capacity,lessening emission of contaminants to achieve the goal of clean transformation and u... 展开

Abstract:Faced with facilitating ecological civilization construction and tackling climate change,the coal industry in our country must transform itself and aim at green development. There are multiple dimensions to the transformation of the coal industry. Although there exist some early-medium term urgent issues,such as solving the problem of over-capacity,lessening emission of contaminants to achieve the goal of clean transformation and utilization,the issue of how to achieve highly-efficient and low-carbon utilization will be a long lasting bottleneck the coal industry faces. Facilitating the thorough carbon emission reduction of the coal industry is not only the prerequisite for the coal industry to achieve sustainable development,but also the necessary transition in the process of our country’s energy revolution and economic green transformation. Coal-based/carbon-based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell(SOFC)technique and Carbon-dioxide Capture,Utilization and Storage(CCUS)technique are the technique schemes that can efficiently control carbon emission of the carbon industry,with SOFC dealing with the beginning and CCUS dealing with the end. Both of the technique schemes have a significant role to play over the course of thorough carbon emission reduction of the china’s coal industry.


