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作者:柴麒敏 祁悦 出版日期:2018年11月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8115 字 所属丛书:气候变化绿皮书 所属图书:应对气候变化报告(2018):聚首卡托维兹 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:应对气候变化“塔拉诺阿对话”是联合国应对气候变化多边进程下在《巴黎协定》谈判之外举行的一系列旨在增进各缔约方及非国家主体间相互理解、共同行动的活动。对话活动贯穿了整个2018年,分为筹备进程和政治进程两个阶段,并以“我们在哪里”“我们去哪里”和“我们如何去”三个问题作为主题。此次对话是美国退出《巴黎协定》后各方对谈判中出现的经验和教训进行反思,并讨论如何在《巴黎协定》实施过程中加强国际合作提高应对气候变化行动和支持力度的一次尝试,在形式和... 展开



Abstract:The Talanoa Dialogue on address climate change is a series of events aimed at promoting mutual understanding and joint actions among parties and non-state players under the United Nations multilateral process in addition to the negotiations on the Paris Agreement. The dialogue,which ran through 2018,was divided into two phases,the preparatory phase and the political phase,with three themes—“Where are we”,“Where do we want to ... 展开

Abstract:The Talanoa Dialogue on address climate change is a series of events aimed at promoting mutual understanding and joint actions among parties and non-state players under the United Nations multilateral process in addition to the negotiations on the Paris Agreement. The dialogue,which ran through 2018,was divided into two phases,the preparatory phase and the political phase,with three themes—“Where are we”,“Where do we want to go”,“How do we get there”. The dialogue is a reflection of the experience and lessons learned from the negotiations since the United States withdrew from the Paris Agreement,and also a try to discuss how to strengthen international cooperation in the process of implementing the Paris Agreement to enhance the action and support for climate change,which is different from the general negotiation in terms of form and topic scope. Taking a driving seat in international cooperation to respond to climate change,China has become an important participant,contributor and torchbearer in the global endeavor for ecological civilization. China's delegation,the cities,private sectors,NGOs and other stakeholders should work together to correctly understand the Talanoa Dialogue and make our China's Contributions.



