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作者:文铮 陈晨 出版日期:2021年08月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13357 字 所属丛书:意大利蓝皮书 所属图书:意大利发展报告(2020~2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:意大利是西欧最先响应“一带一路”倡议的发达国家,中意两国源远流长的文化关系是彼此间相互信任与合作的重要纽带。进入21世纪以后,“汉语热”在意大利悄然兴起。除大学之外,目前意大利20个大区几乎都在中小学不同程度地开设了汉语课程。自2009年以来,意大利中小学汉语教育由原来的非学历选修课程转变成学历课程。2016年,意大利教育部颁布了《汉语教学大纲——高级中学汉语教学统一参考框架》,将已纳入国家国民教育体系中的汉语教学又向前推进了一步。这个大纲是意大... 展开



Abstract:Italy is the first developed country in Western Europe to officially respond to the Belt and Road Initiative. The long-standing cultural relationship between China and Italy is an important bond for mutual trust and cooperation. Since entering the 21st century,the heat of learning Chinese continues to grow in Italy. Besides the universities,almost all of Italy’s 20 regions have offered Chinese courses of different levels in primary... 展开

Abstract:Italy is the first developed country in Western Europe to officially respond to the Belt and Road Initiative. The long-standing cultural relationship between China and Italy is an important bond for mutual trust and cooperation. Since entering the 21st century,the heat of learning Chinese continues to grow in Italy. Besides the universities,almost all of Italy’s 20 regions have offered Chinese courses of different levels in primary and secondary schools. Since 2009,Chinese teaching in Italian primary and secondary schools has changed from an elective course to a compulsory course in the syllabus. In 2016,Italian Ministry of Education issued the “Chinese Syllabus-A Unified Reference Framework for Chinese Teaching in Senior High Schools”,taking a step forward in Chinese teaching that has been incorporated into the national education system. The “Syllabus” is the first national reference frame not only in Italy but also in Europe for teaching Chinese and Chinese culture. It marks a new page in the history of Chinese teaching in Italy. The inclusion of Chinese in the national education systems of various countries is one of the important signs that Chinese has truly entered the world.



