文章摘要:建立自由贸易试验区,是以习近平同志为核心的党中央治国理政新理念新思想新战略的重大实践,是推动我国新一轮高水平对外开放的重要举措。建设自贸区最根本的目的是为全面深化改革和扩大开放探索新途径积累新经验。要把制度创新作为核心任务,把可复制可推广作为基本要求。广东自由贸易试验区自成立5年以来,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指引,始终坚持以制度创新为核心,大胆试、大胆闯、自主改,扎实推进自贸区建设,为全面深化改革和构建开放型经济新体制探索... 展开
Abstract:The establishment of pilot free trade zones is a major practice of the CPC Central Committee’s new philosophy,new thinking and new strategy for governance with General Secretary Xi Jinping at the core,and an important measure to promote a new round of high-level opening-up in China. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the fundamental purpose of building free trade zones is to explore new ways and accumulate new experience... 展开