文章摘要:中国信托业的受托资产管理规模从2013年第3季度开始跨过了10万亿元大关。社会投融资渠道不畅及其需求压抑,是推动这一进程的主要背景因素,尤其从融资角度来看是如此。一些行业事实表明,信托业前进的步伐已经开始放缓,甚至很有可能在2012年上半年就已经出现了周期性的顶部。这方面的事实包括信托产品的新增发行动力衰减,信托产品与国债之间的息差收窄,行业风险暴露增强等。这些状况也暴露出当前信托业监管的粗疏与偏颇之处。监管与制度有必要在矛盾激化之前做出调整。 展开
Abstract:The scale of the entrusted assetsof China’s trust industry has crossed the RMB 10 trillionmarksince 3 quarter of 2013.It is poor social investment and financing channels and depressed demand that drive this process,Itmay bethe main background factors,especially from the financing perspective. But some factsshow that the pace of the industry has begun to slow,such as the declining new issuances,narrowed spreads between trust produ... 展开