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作者:郑联盛 胡滨 出版时间:2014年05月 报告页数:29 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21134 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:中国金融监管报告(2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:影子银行是一个涉及产品、机构和市场的动态而复杂的三维体系,通常泛指传统商业银行体系之外的信用主体和业务活动,其最为基本的功能是期限转换、流动性转换以及信用风险转换。国内研究对影子银行的界定形成“监管说”、“风险说”和“非传统信用说”三个框架。本研究基于非传统信用的视角,估算中国的广义影子银行体系规模约为27万亿元,占银行业全部资产的比重约为19%。然而,影子银行体系的规模仅仅是中国金融体系系统性风险的一个层面。更为重要的是,在银行主导的金... 展开



Abstract:Shadow banking system is a dynamic and complex three-dimensional institution combining products,institutions and markets. It broadly refers to the credit intermediation involving entities and activities outside the regular banking system. Its most basic function is the maturity transformation,liquidity transformation and credit risk transformation. There are three research frameworks of shadow banking in domestic study,which are ba... 展开

Abstract:Shadow banking system is a dynamic and complex three-dimensional institution combining products,institutions and markets. It broadly refers to the credit intermediation involving entities and activities outside the regular banking system. Its most basic function is the maturity transformation,liquidity transformation and credit risk transformation. There are three research frameworks of shadow banking in domestic study,which are based on “shadow banking regulation”,“shadow banking risk” and “non-traditional credit” respectively. Based on the non-traditional credit perspective,this study estimates that the scale of broad shadow banking system in China is about 27 trillion yuan,accounting for about 19% of the total assets of the banking industry. However,the scale of shadow banking system is just one aspect of financial system risk in China. More importantly,the non-traditional credit expansion mechanism of the banking system itself (shadow banking business) is a critical factor of the risk accumulation in financial system. Although the development of the shadow banking system is reasonable and innovative,it also highlights the drawbacks of the financial system in China. At present,the supervision of the shadow banking system is overall effective,but the relevance,completeness and predictability of the regulatory policy are still to be improved. We should continue to encourage and regulate the shadow banking system,prevent the regional and systemic financial risk,and deepen the reform of the financial system in China.




