文章摘要:2014~2015年信托业监管呈现出新的阶段性特征。拥有明确理念和方法内容的新的监管规则框架初步形成,监管措施已经为信托业经营的稳定减速增长创造出有利条件,信托登记制度以及信托公司条例等基础性配套法规制度的建设已经进入日程。但是,2015年中期股市下跌中暴露出的伞形信托监管问题以及信托业开展混业经营与原来分业监管体制之间的矛盾冲突,为进一步推进信托业监管转型及升级带来了阻碍。同时,加固信托业监管的微观基础、避免在一些业务领域出现监管盲区也迫切需要... 展开
Abstract:In 2014-2015,Trust industry supervision shows the characteristics of a new stage. The new regulatory framework with clear idea and methods has shaped initially. And Some favorable conditions for the industry operation have been created by regulation actions. Trust industry has been in the slow and stable growth path. Setting some basic and matched laws and rules has already entered into the agenda. However,the trust regulation trans... 展开