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作者:郑联盛 胡滨 出版时间:2016年06月 报告页数:26 页 报告大小: 报告字数:20321 字 所属丛书:金融监管蓝皮书 所属图书:中国金融监管报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:新三板已经成为我国多层次资本市场的重要组成部分,已经成为国内挂牌企业数量最多的全国统一性场内证券交易市场。新三板市场较为充分地发挥了服务中小微企业发展转型、资金融通和股份转让等职能,为服务实体经济提供了重要的支撑。当然,由于发展时间短、微观结构尚不健全、配套机制有待完善,新三板市场在功能定位、流动性、做市商、转板以及投资者适当性等方面尚存在问题。作为发展中的问题,以备案制为支撑的新三板市场应坚持服务中小微企业的业务发展、筹资融资和股份... 展开



Abstract:Being an important part of China’s multi-level capital market,The National Equities Exchange and Quotations System(NEEQ,or the New Third Board)has become the country’s largest securities market based on the number of listed companies since 2015. The NEEQ system has played a comprehensive role in development and transformation,financing,and share transfer of small and micro enterprises in China,and served as an effective and e... 展开

Abstract:Being an important part of China’s multi-level capital market,The National Equities Exchange and Quotations System(NEEQ,or the New Third Board)has become the country’s largest securities market based on the number of listed companies since 2015. The NEEQ system has played a comprehensive role in development and transformation,financing,and share transfer of small and micro enterprises in China,and served as an effective and efficiency tool to support the real economy. However,due to the short development period,imperfect micro structure and the related institutional arrangements,The NEEQ system has five challenges to be addressed in the near future,following as its basic function,liquidity problem,market maker mechanism,transferring arrangement to another board,and the standards for appropriated investors respectively. The problems led by the rapid development might be resolved in the new promotion stage of the NEEQ system. The regulatory authorities have five main tasks in the future:1)to strengthen the fundamental function of the system which is to support the small and micro companies and real economy,2)to match the real demand of the companies,3)to establish a sounder liquidity framework to the NEEQ system,4)to build up the existing mechanism,and 5)to enhance the coordination and cooperation among the enterprises,the NEEQ system and the regulators. A comprehensive NEEQ system with clear perspective,well-defined function and effective regulation contributes a lot to the sustainable development of small and micro enterprises and China’s economy.




