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作者:程雪军 尹振涛 出版日期:2019年07月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18462 字 所属丛书:金融监管蓝皮书 所属图书:中国金融监管报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着我国经济的稳健发展,消费金融的政策支持,消费理念的升级以及金融科技的深化应用,我国消费金融行业迎来了爆发式发展,也带来了一系列问题与挑战,具体包括消费信贷发展过快引发的宏观风险、互联网消费金融主体竞争激烈引发的市场乱象、个人征信体系发展不健全与数据孤岛问题、互联网消费金融的法律法规不健全、技术安全与消费者权益保护不力、场景消费金融发展不足、产品同质化严重等。基于海外主要国家(美国、英国、日本)在消费金融创新监管上的经验,本文从宏微... 展开



Abstract:With the steady development of China’s economy,the policy support of consumer finance,the upgrading of consumption concepts and the deepening application of financial technology (FinTech),China’s consumer finance industry has ushered in “explosive” development. However,it has also brought a series of problems and challenges:the macro-risk problem caused by the rapid development of consumer credit;the market chaos caused by... 展开

Abstract:With the steady development of China’s economy,the policy support of consumer finance,the upgrading of consumption concepts and the deepening application of financial technology (FinTech),China’s consumer finance industry has ushered in “explosive” development. However,it has also brought a series of problems and challenges:the macro-risk problem caused by the rapid development of consumer credit;the market chaos caused by the fierce competition of Internet consumer finance entities;the problem of imperfect development of the personal credit information system and data islanding;the imperfect laws and regulations of Internet consumer finance;the problem of technical security and weak protection of consumer rights under the background of financial technology;the development of the scene consumer finance is insufficient;the product homogenization is serious et al. Based on the experience of overseas major countries (US,UK,Japan) in consumer finance innovation supervision,this paper proposes relevant supervision suggestions. On the macro level,it proposes to build a double peak+” regulatory system and personal credit information system,strengthen functional supervision and technology supervision,strengthen the legal norms of internet consumer finance. On the micro level,it proposes to develop scene consumer finance in further,strengthen the risk management capacity,and improve the information disclosure mechanism.



