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作者:林楠 出版时间:2021年06月 报告页数:27 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21258 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:中国金融监管报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年,外汇管理体制与新发展格局相适应,外汇管理改革开放新举措进一步推进。从国际收支经常项目管理看,通过建立外汇政策绿色通道,积极做好疫情防控;外汇支持贸易新业态发展,助力企业复工复产;促进贸易自由化便利化,服务高质量发展新格局;坚持以风险评估为导向分类管理,防范跨境资金流动冲击;积极为共建“一带一路”营造良好环境,推动服务贸易人民币结算发展。从资本项目管理看,全国推广资本项目收入支付便利化改革;外商投资实现可兑换,企业跨境投资资金运... 展开



Abstract:In 2020,the foreign exchange management system adapted to the new development pattern,and the new measures of foreign exchange management reform had been further promoted. As for the current account management,green channel for foreign exchange policy had been established in order to facilitate Covid-19 responses. Foreign exchange supported the development of new trade modes,helped enterprises return to work and production,promot... 展开

Abstract:In 2020,the foreign exchange management system adapted to the new development pattern,and the new measures of foreign exchange management reform had been further promoted. As for the current account management,green channel for foreign exchange policy had been established in order to facilitate Covid-19 responses. Foreign exchange supported the development of new trade modes,helped enterprises return to work and production,promoted trade liberalization and facilitation,and served the high-quality new pattern of development. Adhere to risk assessment oriented classified management to prevent the risk of cross-border capital flow. Provide good environment for the Belt & Road construction,and promote the development of RMB settlement in service trade. As for the capital account management,reforms of capital account payment facilitation had been promoted nationwide. The opening up of financial market has been steadily promoted and the restrictions on foreign capital access to the financial industry has been completely removed. Foreign debt management and full-scale cross-border financing have been carefully adjusted. Foreign exchange reserves management supported the Belt & Road strategy,and realized the security,mobility,and value preservation of foreign exchange reserve assets,and maintained the basic balance of international payments and national economic and financial security. Covid-19 led to the global economic recession and slow recovery,which have great effect on China’s balance of payments,RMB exchange rate and internationalization strategy. Under the new enviroment,China’s foreign exchange management must actively adapt to the new development pattern,overall development and security,high-quality economic development,RMB internationalization and other major strategic arrangements. How to balance the risks prevention of cross-border capital flow and the trade and investment facilitation promotion is key.



