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作者:袁增霆 出版日期:2020年08月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15453 字 所属丛书:金融监管蓝皮书 所属图书:中国金融监管报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2019年是信托业进入严监管周期的第二年。严监管的主基调没有改变,但节奏发生了变化,一度由松到紧。这种节奏变化受到宏观经济与金融形势的变化影响。2019年的监管主题是巩固治乱象成果与促进合规建设。近两年的信托业监管实践表明,治理风险和合规问题可能是一个复杂艰巨且漫长的过程。具体到信托业务领域,今后仍将严控通道类业务,防止违规资金进入房地产、地方政府以及产业政策限制的融资领域。监管精神将更加重视精准有效地防范化解风险问题,同时监管政策也可能更加... 展开



Abstract:2019 is the second year for the trust industry to enter the cycle of strict supervision. The tone of strict supervision has not changed,but the pace has changed,once from loose to tight. This change in pace is affected by changes in macroeconomic and financial conditions. The supervision theme of the year was to consolidate the chaos governance and promote compliance construction. The supervision practice of trust industry in recent... 展开

Abstract:2019 is the second year for the trust industry to enter the cycle of strict supervision. The tone of strict supervision has not changed,but the pace has changed,once from loose to tight. This change in pace is affected by changes in macroeconomic and financial conditions. The supervision theme of the year was to consolidate the chaos governance and promote compliance construction. The supervision practice of trust industry in recent two years shows that it may be a complicated and arduous and long process to governance risk and compliance problems. Specific to the trust business area,bank-trust cooperation businesses will continue to be strictly controlled,as the same as to prevent illegal funds from entering real estate,local governments and the other financing areas restricted by industrial policies. The supervision spirit will pay more attention to accurately and effectively preventing and resolving risks,while supervision policies may be more standardized and transparent.


