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作者:包涵 出版日期:2020年07月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16070 字 所属丛书:国际禁毒蓝皮书 所属图书:国际禁毒研究报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:新精神活性物质的出现,对于传统的毒品管制制度提出了挑战。如何在坚持法律主义的前提下,合理地遏制不断涌现的新精神活性物质,保障公民身心以及可能受到危害的社会秩序,同时避免对现存的毒品管制体系造成冲击,是十分重要的问题。中国已经开始着手规划与建设新精神活性物质管制的制度体系,在立法和具体措施上有了一定的积累,然而也存在着值得检讨和改进之处。中国的新精神活性物质管制制度,应以现有的法律资源作为基础,适当借鉴域外的经验与合理方案,以期在不剧烈... 展开



Abstract:The emergence of new Psychoactive Substances challenges the legalization and constitution of the drug control system. How to control the new Psychoactive Substances,protect the rights of the citizens while in the same time contain potential threats to existing social order and avoid structural destruction of the existing drug control system is an important question. China has embarked on planning and building a new system for the new... 展开

Abstract:The emergence of new Psychoactive Substances challenges the legalization and constitution of the drug control system. How to control the new Psychoactive Substances,protect the rights of the citizens while in the same time contain potential threats to existing social order and avoid structural destruction of the existing drug control system is an important question. China has embarked on planning and building a new system for the new Psychoactive Substances regulation. Although China has made efforts in legislation and specific measures,but there are still some points to be reviewed and improved. The regulation system of new Psychoactive Substances in China should,based on the existing legal resources and international experience and reasonable plans,effectively control the new Psychoactive Substances without drastically changing the existing drug control system and measures.


