文章摘要:与国际上很多有关“中非合作论坛是中国实施宏大战略”的舞台、非洲只是消极被动的接受者的臆断相反,从酝酿、创建到正式运转,中非合作论坛的运作机制表现出明显的双边多层互动、共同推进的特点,且非洲方面从多个方面对论坛作出贡献。目前,论坛决策过程表现出逐渐科学化的特点,也明显具有因势利导和不断调整的特征,这意味着随着非洲各国对这种集体性协调机制态度的变化,论坛将出现更多元化的走向。结合这些现状和趋势的分析,本报告提出了有助于中非合作论坛可持续性... 展开
Abstract:Opposite to the popular myth that Forum for China-Africa Cooperation,(FOCAC) was the stage for "China's Grand Strategy" while Africa was just a passive player, the mechanism of FOCAC is in reality multiple-level interaction and joint promotion, from brewing and establishment to its operation. In the whole process, the African side has contributed a great deal in many ways. Currently, the decision-making process is more scientific and ... 展开