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作者:秦升 出版日期:2020年05月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16404 字 所属丛书:大洋洲蓝皮书 所属图书:大洋洲发展报告(2018~2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本报告对美日澳印在“印太”框架下的南太平洋政策进行了梳理,分析了四国选择太平洋岛国作为战略发力点的原因,并对未来“印太”战略在南太平洋地区的推进进行展望。从地理空间看,太平洋、东南亚和印度洋是印太弧的三个重要组成部分,在从“亚太”向“印太”的视域转换过程中,太平洋岛国的战略地位获得了巨大的提升。由于在印度洋和东南亚地区所遭遇到的困境以及美日澳三国在南太平洋地区的天然优势,“印太”战略在太平洋岛国的政策密集度远高于其他地区。面对未来南太... 展开



Abstract:This paper sorts out the South Pacific policy of the United States,Japan,Australia and India under the framework of Indo-Pacific,analyzes the reasons why the four countries choose Pacific Island Countries as a focus of Indo Pacific Strategy. From the perspective of geography,the Pacific Ocean,Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean are the three important components of the Indo-Arc. During the concept transition from Asia-Pacific to ... 展开

Abstract:This paper sorts out the South Pacific policy of the United States,Japan,Australia and India under the framework of Indo-Pacific,analyzes the reasons why the four countries choose Pacific Island Countries as a focus of Indo Pacific Strategy. From the perspective of geography,the Pacific Ocean,Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean are the three important components of the Indo-Arc. During the concept transition from Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific,the strategic position of the Pacific Island Countries(PICs)has been greatly enhanced. Due to the difficulties encountered in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia and basing on the natural advantages of four countries in the South Pacific,Indo-Pacific strategy is far more policy-intensive in PICs than in other regions. In the face of intense competition of major powers in the South Pacific region,especially when Indo-Pacific strategy aims to hedge China’s Belt and Road Initiative,Pacific Island Countries need to make judgments and choices basing on their own development needs.



