文章摘要:近年来,中国积极参与全球卫生治理,倡导构建人类命运共同体的新型外交理念,在“一带一路”倡议下,推动“健康丝绸之路”建设,对南太平洋岛国的医疗卫生援助也日益增加。本文分析了中国在南太平洋岛国医疗卫生援助的动因、机制、方式和成效等。初步认为中国对南太平洋岛国的医疗卫生援助资金投入方面已经与其他发达国家接近,但援助的整体效果尚待发展。中国在医疗机构援建、药品设备捐赠和医疗队派遣规模等“硬援助”上存在一定优势,在更高层次的管理能力、治理水平、... 展开
Abstract:In recent years,China has actively participated in global health governance,advocated the new diplomatic concept of a community of Shared future for mankind,promoted the construction of the “healthy silk road” under the “the Belt and Road” construction,and provided increasing medical and health assistance to the South Pacific islands.This paper analyzes the causes,mechanisms,methods and effects of China's medical and health ... 展开