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作者:余章宝 陈晨 出版日期:2018年11月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11173 字 所属丛书:大洋洲蓝皮书 所属图书:大洋洲发展报告(2017~2018):“印太战略”构想与澳大利亚 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2017年10月19日,新西兰大选顺利落下帷幕,新西兰工党与优先党及绿党联手共同组成了新一届的新西兰政府。在选举博弈过程中,参加大选的两大阵营分别对就业、移民等核心问题展开了意见对垒。在移民问题上,新西兰各党派的意见出现明显对立,划分为两派。同时,新西兰移民局发布最新的移民政策于2017年8月17日正式开始实行,该项政策的发布也使得“移民”成为新西兰2017~2018年引发讨论最多的话题。本文首先将解读大选对峙中的新西兰两大阵营关于移民政策的不同观点和新西... 展开



Abstract:On October 19th 2017,New Zealand's election came along smoothly with New Zealand Labour Party joined forces with the Priority Party and the Green Party to form a new New Zealand government.During the election game process,the two camps participated in election campaign respectively on employment,immigration and other core issues.On the issue of immigration,New Zealand parties have seen obvious opposition to their views divided int... 展开

Abstract:On October 19th 2017,New Zealand's election came along smoothly with New Zealand Labour Party joined forces with the Priority Party and the Green Party to form a new New Zealand government.During the election game process,the two camps participated in election campaign respectively on employment,immigration and other core issues.On the issue of immigration,New Zealand parties have seen obvious opposition to their views divided into two factions.At the same time,New Zealand immigration policy released by New Zealand Immigration Service officially began on August 17th 2017 and released the policy which makes immigrants most likely to be discussed from 2017 to 2018.Therefore this thesis firstly interprets different viewpoints about immigration policy between New Zealand's two camps and New Zealand Government's new trend in immigration policy.Meanwhile,under the background of diversification of New Zealand social structure,new immigrants from different regions poured into the country,which played an important role in China and New Zealand relations in their integration into mainstream social processes.Therefore,New Zealand's immigration policy toward China and influence of Chinese are also one of core issues discussed in this paper.




