文章摘要:2017年是特恩布尔政府在大选“惨胜”后执政的第一个完整年份。因丧失对议会的控制,执政党只能通过拉拢右翼小党来巩固执政地位。在国内政治竞争和美国压力的影响下,特恩布尔在内政和外交上呈现出大幅度右转倾向,中澳两国在政治、外交和印太地区安全体系与安全架构上的分歧进一步扩大。作为澳大利亚最大的贸易伙伴和全球最具活力的经济体,中澳经贸关系的发展进一步加速,日益紧密的经贸合作成为维系和推动中澳关系不断深化的基础,也是澳大利亚政府领导人难以根本性改变... 展开
Abstract:2017 is the first whole year of Prime Minister Turnbull's administration.The ruling party had to cozy up with the right-wing political parties to consolidate its political status due to its failure of control over the parliament.Given the political competition domestically and increasing pressure imposed by the United States,a rightward shift in Turnbull's political and diplomatic policy occurred and resulted in a greater disparity i... 展开