文章摘要:2019年是俄罗斯开启政治变革的一年。从年初提出修改宪法引起舆论波动到2020年初普京在国情咨文中正式提出修改宪法的建议,“2024问题”逐渐被普京提上日程,表明俄罗斯政治变革的大幕正在开启。“与普京直播连线”电视节目、瓦尔代会议、总统年度记者会和年度国情咨文是普京宣传施政理念的重要平台,每年他都会利用这些机会向俄罗斯民众、政府官员、媒体和国外智库代表发表讲话,对涉及俄政治建设、经济发展、社会民生、外交政策以及国际关系的诸多热点问题做出回应。通过... 展开
Abstract:In 2019,Russia has started its political reform. The initial proposal of amending the constitution at the beginning of the year,the official proposal to amend the constitution in the state of the union address,the agenda of the 2024 issue all rose the curtain of political change in Russia. The “Direct Connect with Putin” TV show,Valdai Forum,the presidential press conference and annual state of the union address are four import... 展开