文章摘要:2019年俄罗斯总体上保持了稳定的社会形势。在社会经济领域,期待改革的社会情绪高涨。近年来,俄罗斯居民可支配收入下降、贫困以及由此带来的贫富分化问题引发了民众对社会经济状况的不满,腐败和低效的社会经济政策也引起了民众对当前国家政权的信任度下降,这些因素都构成了民众期待改革的动因。民众对于“如何进行改革”的议题没有明晰的认识,大多数人希望由国家政权推动改革。2019年开始实施的诸多国家项目成为改善社会经济状况的途径。同时,这些项目也得到了俄罗斯... 展开
Abstract:In 2019,Russia has maintained a stable social situation. With regards to the socioeconomic field,the expectation for reforms was high. The public was dissatisfied with the decline of disposable income,poverty and the resulting wealth disparity in recent years. Corruption and inefficient socioeconomic policies also lowered people’s trust in the current state power. All these factors have contributed to the public’s desire for refo... 展开