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作者:姚建华 出版日期:2021年06月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12412 字 所属图书:中国国际传播发展研究 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:当下,以数字化和智能化为标志的数字文明时代已经到来,数字技术正在向人类生活各个领域全面推进,渗入全球各国政治、经济、文化和社会生活的方方面面,与政府治理、经济发展、隐私保护、社会公正和文化传承等领域深深地“镶嵌”在一起。正是在这样的背景下,2017年,加拿大建国150周年之际,加拿大联邦政府提出了“数字加拿大”(Digital Canada)的理念和政策,它由五个方面的内容组成,分别是“连接加拿大人”“加强信息保护”“加速经济发展”“实现政府数字化”“传... 展开

文章摘要:当下,以数字化和智能化为标志的数字文明时代已经到来,数字技术正在向人类生活各个领域全面推进,渗入全球各国政治、经济、文化和社会生活的方方面面,与政府治理、经济发展、隐私保护、社会公正和文化传承等领域深深地“镶嵌”在一起。正是在这样的背景下,2017年,加拿大建国150周年之际,加拿大联邦政府提出了“数字加拿大”(Digital Canada)的理念和政策,它由五个方面的内容组成,分别是“连接加拿大人”“加强信息保护”“加速经济发展”“实现政府数字化”“传播加拿大文化”。作为发达国家和数字技术强国,加拿大立足当下、面向未来的实践具有极高的战略眼光和借鉴意义。


Abstract:At present, the era of digital civilization marked by digitization and intelligence has come. Digital technology is comprehensively promoting all fields of human life, infiltrating all aspects of political, economic, cultural and social life all over the world, and deeply "embedded" with government governance, economic development, privacy protection, social justice and cultural inheritance. It is against this background that in 2017,... 展开

Abstract:At present, the era of digital civilization marked by digitization and intelligence has come. Digital technology is comprehensively promoting all fields of human life, infiltrating all aspects of political, economic, cultural and social life all over the world, and deeply "embedded" with government governance, economic development, privacy protection, social justice and cultural inheritance. It is against this background that in 2017, on the 150th anniversary of the founding of Canada, the federal government of Canada put forward the concept and policy of "digital Canada", which is composed of five aspects, namely "connecting Canadians", "strengthening information protection", "accelerating economic development", "realizing government digitization" and "spreading Canadian culture". As a developed country and a digital technology power, Canada's current and future oriented practice has a high strategic vision and reference significance


