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作者:韩晗 出版日期:2013年05月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8442 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2012~2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2012年萨尔瓦多进行了议会及地方选举。法官及检察长选举造成制度危机,加剧了执政党与主要反对党间的竞争。总统毛里西奥·富内斯奉行温和左翼执政路线,维持了较高的民众支持率。为应对社会安全问题,富内斯政府增加了社会支出,同时采取多项措施,缓和社会矛盾。由于内外需求疲软,国家经济增速进一步减慢。全年经济保持了较低通货膨胀水平。正规就业受公共开支紧缩影响增长缓慢。政府实施了多项社会政策,缓解安全带来的社会发展困境。美国仍是最重要的经贸伙伴及外资来... 展开



Abstract:After the legislative and municipal elections in 2012, the crisis appeared between the Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional(FMLN) and the right-wing Alianza Republicana Nacionalista(Arena). El Salvador's incumbent President Mauricio Funes continued to follow a moderate left-wing line. He still had a high support among the Salvadoreans. Precarious security situation remains a major concern for individuals and businesses. ... 展开

Abstract:After the legislative and municipal elections in 2012, the crisis appeared between the Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional(FMLN) and the right-wing Alianza Republicana Nacionalista(Arena). El Salvador's incumbent President Mauricio Funes continued to follow a moderate left-wing line. He still had a high support among the Salvadoreans. Precarious security situation remains a major concern for individuals and businesses. On the one hand, the Funes government increased the public investment to meet the social demands; one the other hand, he apologized again for the violations of human rights that took place during the country's civil war. The economic growth further slowed down due to sluggish domestic and foreign demand. The economy for the whole year maintained low levels of inflation. The formal employment slowed down affected by a public spending crunch. The government has introduced a number of social policies in order to mitigate the development dilemma caused by insecurity. The United States remained its most important trading partner and source of foreign investment. In the meantime, El Salvador was strengthening its diplomatic and commercial relations with Asian and other Latin American countries.


