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作者:杨建民 出版日期:2013年05月 报告页数:7 页 报告大小: 报告字数:6160 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2012~2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2012年6月22日,巴拉圭总统卢戈遭议会弹劾被迫下野,副总统佛朗哥继任总统后继续推动税制改革和土地改革,但其任期即将结束。左翼参加大选难以提名有竞争力的人选。红党提名的总统候选人奥拉西奥·卡尔特斯很可能在2013年4月的大选中获胜。经济方面,由于农业遭遇干旱,2012年GDP增长率为-1.5%,预计2013年农业增长的恢复将使经济出现强劲反弹。社会形势方面,暗杀活动使社会形势仍然处于紧张状态。外交形势方面,由于南共市其他国家借卢戈被弹劾下台之机中止巴拉圭的会员... 展开



Abstract:In June 22, 2012, the President Lugo was forced to step down because of the Parliament's impeachment; consequentially, Vice President Franco succeeded the President. Franco continued to promote tax and land reform, but his term of office is around the corner. It is difficult for the left-wing party to put forward a competitive candidate for the general election. Horacio Carters further strengthened its control and influence on the Col... 展开

Abstract:In June 22, 2012, the President Lugo was forced to step down because of the Parliament's impeachment; consequentially, Vice President Franco succeeded the President. Franco continued to promote tax and land reform, but his term of office is around the corner. It is difficult for the left-wing party to put forward a competitive candidate for the general election. Horacio Carters further strengthened its control and influence on the Colorado Party, easily won the Colorado Party's presidential nomination and is expected to win the general election in April 2013. Economically, Agriculture suffered droughts that led to GDP growth rate -1.5% in 2012, while the economy is expected to rebound strongly due to the recovery of agricultural growth in 2013. With respect to the social situation, the assassinations worsened public security. In the diplomatic field, the sub-regional organization, Mercosur, has suspended Paraguay's membership of the organization. As Venezuela officially joined the Southern Common Market, Paraguay's relations with the above countries tended to be strained.


