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作者:王鹏 谌园庭 出版日期:2013年05月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:22770 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2012~2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:墨西哥革命制度党是当代拉美政坛最重要的政党之一。1929~2000年,它连续执政长达71年之久,成为世界上连续执政时间最长的政党之一。在执政期间,它创造政治安定、经济腾飞的“墨西哥奇迹”。2012年,它再次赢得总统选举,在下野12年之后重获执政地位。在革命制度党的引领之下,墨西哥在2000年完成首次政党轮替,成功实现从一党体制向民主体制的转型。这一政治转型包含以下四个特点。第一,转型以自上而下方式进行,也就是由执政党引导而非反对派主导政治转型进程。第二,... 展开



Abstract:In 2000, after the presidential election, the PRI lost power to the opposition party, which serves a landmark representing Mexico's completion of the transition from one-party rule to democracy. The transition has the following four characteristics. First, it was led by the PRI instead of any opposition parties; second, it was motivated by a series of election reforms instead of civil unrest; third, it was based on gradualism and a mu... 展开

Abstract:In 2000, after the presidential election, the PRI lost power to the opposition party, which serves a landmark representing Mexico's completion of the transition from one-party rule to democracy. The transition has the following four characteristics. First, it was led by the PRI instead of any opposition parties; second, it was motivated by a series of election reforms instead of civil unrest; third, it was based on gradualism and a multi-phased development instead of any shock therapy; fourth, it was very smooth and peaceful instead of major political instability. As a result of political transition, the PRI achieved a self-transition from the official party to a parliamentary democracy party. Especially after 2000, it made a sustained effort to adapt itself to fast-changing political realities. Its guiding principle was transformed from revolutionary nationalism to democratic socialism. As a result of growing significance of governors, it constructed a new pattern of power allowing them to share power once monopolized by the central leadership. To promote its popularity, it attempted to make itself less elitist and took measures to enhance its influence over the lower class. In addition, it continued to strengthen its primary election institution to encourage inner-party democracy. The PRI's experience shows that a once-ruling party like it has the ability to survive as an opposition party in a competitive party system. The PRI remained to be one of the most important political parties in Mexico even after it lost ruling power in 2000. It is especially noteworthy that the party showed remarkable determination and intelligence to achieve a full rejuvenation of it. The above-mentioned facts show that the PRI is one of major beneficiaries of the political transition in Mexico that was initiated actually by the party itself.



