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作者:王鹏 出版日期:2012年05月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8419 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2011~2012) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:委内瑞拉将在2012年举行总统选举,查韦斯总统谋求再次连任。但是,他的健康状况依然有待观察。诸多不利因素将使他在此次总统选举中面对反对党更为有力的挑战。2011年,委内瑞拉GDP增长率达到4.2%。这一增长主要归因于公共支出的增长。国际油价的上涨使政府有能力实行扩张性财政政策。政府预计2012年GDP增长率为5%。在社会领域,政府大力兴建住房,以满足中下层居民对住房的迫切需求。为迎接总统选举,政府将在2012年继续提高公共支出,加紧实施社会计划。在外交领域,委内... 展开



Abstract:President Hugo Chavez is seeking to be reelected in the upcoming 2012 Presidential Election. But his health is still a pending issue. It can be expected that he is going to meet unprecedented challenges from the opposition during the election. In 2011 Venezuela gained a GDP growth of 4.2% which ascribed to the considerable increase of public expenditure. In 2012 the GDP growth rate is expected to be 5%. The Chavez government was devot... 展开

Abstract:President Hugo Chavez is seeking to be reelected in the upcoming 2012 Presidential Election. But his health is still a pending issue. It can be expected that he is going to meet unprecedented challenges from the opposition during the election. In 2011 Venezuela gained a GDP growth of 4.2% which ascribed to the considerable increase of public expenditure. In 2012 the GDP growth rate is expected to be 5%. The Chavez government was devoted to promoting house building, aimed at meeting the great demand of poor people for houses. The relations with Colombia were repaired thanks to concerted efforts of both sides. But the U.S.-Venezuelan relations remained to be tense and faced an unforeseeable future.


