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作者:郑秉文 齐传钧 出版日期:2011年04月 报告页数:41 页 报告大小: 报告字数:39167 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2010~2011) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:经济增长、社会公平和政治民主是当今各国发展的时代主题,更是广大发展中国家不懈追求的奋斗目标。在长期深陷发展之困的拉丁美洲和加勒比地区国家中,智利以其近20年的探索和实践,走出了一条独特的发展道路,不仅实现了经济、社会和政治的成功转型,还即将成为走出“中等收入陷阱”的首个南美大陆经济体,进入高收入国家行列,其经验和启示意义影响深远,值得深入研究。本文以智利还政于民20年的发展成就为切入点,对其发展道路作了深入探讨,得出以下观察:就经济转型而... 展开



Abstract:Chile has demonstrated its unique path of development over the past two decades whereat market economy and democratic politics were persistently sought by successive leftist civilian governments. Its experience of steady economic growth is enlightening for the developing countries,particularly many in the LAC regions facing the longstanding challenge of running out of the Middle Income Trap. Ever since the military returned governmen... 展开

Abstract:Chile has demonstrated its unique path of development over the past two decades whereat market economy and democratic politics were persistently sought by successive leftist civilian governments. Its experience of steady economic growth is enlightening for the developing countries,particularly many in the LAC regions facing the longstanding challenge of running out of the Middle Income Trap. Ever since the military returned government to the elective in 1992,Chile has witnessed an orderly socio-economic transition. It succeeded in strengthening financial regimes,empowering the central bank,retaining flexible exchange rates,advancing structural reforms of public spending sectors,including health care and pension systems. All such efforts did help the nation to have achieved the ‘transitional justice’ and broad reconciliation in light of the officially advocated ‘forgive and forget’ principle.Based on the above observations,the keynote report authors find—1) even under an authoritarian rule,a nation is still possible to embark on reformist tracks. In other words,a centralized power may not necessarily contradict with a liberalist socio-economic state-building,particularly in a developing nation like Chile;2) Chile’s political transition to democracy proves that a coalition government helps stabilize the transition process and avoid the ‘pendulum effects’ ;3) although inaugurated by the militaries,the free-market system triggered reformist expectations and provided institutional preparations for the follow-up transition;last but not the least,a good control of reform pace is also a key prerequisite for an ultimate realization of political democracy. Therefore,despite choosing the right path of development in accordance with specific national circumstances,to determine the right priorities of reform agenda is essential to developing countries.



