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作者:张勇 赵重阳 出版时间:2009年03月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10268 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2008~2009) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:由于全球粮食价格飙升,2008年4月海地发生暴乱,致使雅克·爱德华·亚历克西总理及其领导的内阁下台。这使稍显平静的海地政局又出现动荡。虽然现总统勒内·普雷瓦尔采取各种措施以恢复民众对政府的信任,但执政党“希望党”的势力已受到削弱,迫使新上任的米谢勒·皮埃尔-路易斯总理不得不寻求其他主要政党的支持。在经济政策上新政府仍贯彻上届政府制定的促进经济增长和创造就业机会的目标,但暴力犯罪的频发对吸引投资产生重大影响。鉴于美国因次贷危机陷入经济衰退,与其关... 展开



Abstract:With the soaring grain and food prices around the world,riots erupted in Haiti and forced the cabinet headed by prime minister Jacques-Edouard Alexis out of office,destabilizing the country’s political situation that had just calmed down a little bit. Various measures adopted by the current president focusing on restoring public confidence did not come to stop the declining trend of the governing party (Party of the Hope)’s infl... 展开

Abstract:With the soaring grain and food prices around the world,riots erupted in Haiti and forced the cabinet headed by prime minister Jacques-Edouard Alexis out of office,destabilizing the country’s political situation that had just calmed down a little bit. Various measures adopted by the current president focusing on restoring public confidence did not come to stop the declining trend of the governing party (Party of the Hope)’s influence and the newly elect prime minister Michele Pierre was obliged to resort to support from other major parties of the country. The new government continued targeting the economic policy at fostering economic growth and creating jobs,objectives ever pursued by the previous government but frequently cropping up crimes affected negatively the government’s efforts of courting investment. In view of the financial crisis turned economic slowdown of the US,the economic prospect of Haiti seems worrisome due to its intertwined economic ties with the US. Although foreign financial and food aid programs can be implemented,political unrest,social problems remain in the road ahead for Haiti to further develop bilateral and multilateral relations.




