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作者:吴国平 出版日期:2009年03月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17047 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2008~2009) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2008年拉美和加勒比经济增长率为4.6%。受全球金融危机和外部经济环境变化的影响,拉美经济的全年走势出现以下特点。其一,全球金融危机改变了拉美经济增长周期,拉美经济进入新的调整周期,上下半年拉美经济出现不同的走势。股市缩水、汇市动荡、本币贬值、资金外流、生产下降,成为下半年、尤其是第四季度拉美经济的主要特点。其二,拉美经济走势的国别差异具有区域集中的特点。其三,尽管对外贸易继续保持增长,但有利于拉美出口增长的外部条件发生了变化,对外贸易顺差... 展开



Abstract:In 2008,economic growth rate of Latin America and the Caribbean averaged 4.6%. Affected by the global financial crisis and changes in external economic environment,the economic trend of Latin America and the Caribbean was characterized by the following features. First,the global financial crisis has modified the cycle of economic growth of the region;economies were entering a new cycle of adjustment. Therefore,the first and secon... 展开

Abstract:In 2008,economic growth rate of Latin America and the Caribbean averaged 4.6%. Affected by the global financial crisis and changes in external economic environment,the economic trend of Latin America and the Caribbean was characterized by the following features. First,the global financial crisis has modified the cycle of economic growth of the region;economies were entering a new cycle of adjustment. Therefore,the first and second half of the year were marked by distinct characteristics. Contracting stock market,turbulent exchange market,depreciated national currencies,fleeing capital and shrinking production featured the second of the year,the fourth quarter,in particular. Second,different trends of national economic development in the region were sub-regionally concentrated. Third,despite of the continuous growing exports,favorable external conditions for exports of the region underwent changes to reduce trade surplus and exacerbate the pressure on the balance of payments. Fourth,segmentation emerged in mayor productive sectors,production and sales of automobiles started to decline. Fifth,Sino-Latin American trade hit a new historic record and new breakthroughs were made in establishing institutional guarantee for Sino-Latin American trade and economic cooperation. Generally speaking,in face of the global financial crisis countries of the region accelerated steps in adjusting economic policies targeted at keeping stability and promoting growth. Infrastructure construction and energy development were chosen as investment priorities. Countries were different in policy orientation for economic adjustment. In short,all economies of the region were faced with new challenges and in consideration of a number of uncertainties,average annual growth rate of the region in 2009 is estimated at around 1.8% or even below.


