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作者:齐峰田 出版日期:2010年03月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8163 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2009~2010) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:近年来,哥伦比亚安全形势缓中有紧,和平进程在曲折中前进。国会内中右翼力量有所增强;民众积极推动修宪公投,乌里韦有望蝉联总统。由于受国际金融危机、哥伦比亚与委内瑞拉关系紧张等不利因素的影响,政府推行反周期性经济战略,加大对公共基础设施建设的投资,刺激经济逐步恢复与增长。反政府武装的势力大大削弱,与贩毒有关的暴力问题和有组织犯罪问题日益严重。失业率有所提高,政府的减贫努力值得肯定但成效甚微。哥伦比亚与美国签订的军事合作协定引发南美洲地区的... 展开



Abstract:During recent years,security situation of Colombia has been featured by alternation of ease and tension and the peace process has made its way through zigzags. Right wing has managed to increase its weight in the Congress. And as the masses of peoples are actively promoting the Referendum on the Constitutional Reform,it is expected that Uribe may get to remain in power. To mitigate the negative impacts of international financial cri... 展开

Abstract:During recent years,security situation of Colombia has been featured by alternation of ease and tension and the peace process has made its way through zigzags. Right wing has managed to increase its weight in the Congress. And as the masses of peoples are actively promoting the Referendum on the Constitutional Reform,it is expected that Uribe may get to remain in power. To mitigate the negative impacts of international financial crisis and the tense relationship with Venezuela,the government adopted countercyclical policies. Although anti-government armed forces have been crippled,drug related violence and organized crimes become increasingly rampant. Unemployment rate rose up,poverty relieve efforts produced mediocre results. Colombia’s military cooperation agreement with the US triggered public concern over South America security and its relationship with Venezuela turned tighter with each passing day. Sino-Colombian relations went forward in stability while bilateral trade reported new breakthroughs.


