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作者:院成纯 出版日期:2018年12月 报告页数:8 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8475 字 所属图书:跨文化研究 总第5辑 (2018年第2辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:尼采不仅从世界整体这一层面阐述“生成意志”的本源性,而且分别论证了生成意志在世界各组成部分中的本源性地位。尼采的生成意志学说没有试图构建一个超越于有限生存经验之外的超验存在者。生成意志没有被设定在个体生存的边界之外,它仍然是一种经验性因素,存在于人们的个体体验之中。尼采找寻“自我”、研究个体生存的本性,其最终所要获取的是一个区分有意义与无意义的标尺,这个标尺中隐含着高低贵贱的判断根据,以此可以让人们明确自己的生命应该朝向何方以及动力何... 展开



Abstract:Nietzsche expounds the original position of “will to power” not merely at the layer of the whole world,but also in various parts of the world.His theory of will to power does not attempt to build a transcendental being beyond the living experience of human.Will to power is not set out of the boundary of individual existence;it is still a kind of empirical factor that exists in human's individual experience.The ultimate aim of Niet... 展开

Abstract:Nietzsche expounds the original position of “will to power” not merely at the layer of the whole world,but also in various parts of the world.His theory of will to power does not attempt to build a transcendental being beyond the living experience of human.Will to power is not set out of the boundary of individual existence;it is still a kind of empirical factor that exists in human's individual experience.The ultimate aim of Nietzsche's searching for “self” and studying the nature of individual existence is to reach a standard to distinguish meaningful from meaningless.This standard implies the basis to distinguish high and low,so as to help people understand the ideal trend and motivation of their lives.Nietzsche believes that the meaning of life is determined ultimately by will to power;it struggles with other will to power and forms a network of relationship,and meaning actually is the expression of the composition of forces of will to power.


