文章摘要:环境保护的社会自治在中国总体仍处于起步阶段,但具有一定的天然条件和巨大的发展潜力。包括上海在内的许多地区近年来已出现了不少宝贵探索和成功案例,接下来关键需要制度土壤的进一步熟化。对上海部分案例和国内外相关经验进行了介绍。针对国内普遍存在的社会力量偏弱、环保社会组织现状参差不齐、环保“邻避”现象等相关问题,提出了若干对策建议,包括依法加强基层社区组织的自治力量、培育有利于环保社会组织和社会企业成长的制度土壤、保障媒体及社会各界的监督权、... 展开
Abstract:Social self-governance for environmental protection in China is still at the starting stage,but has natural foundation and huge potential. In many places including Shanghai,there are some successful cases emerged,while the institutional environment needs to be improved. In this paper,some cases in Shanghai are introduced,compared with experience in other places. Some common problems in China include weakness of social power,unde... 展开