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作者:于镭 出版时间:2020年11月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11388 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:太平洋岛国发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2019年太平洋岛国总体政治、经济和外交形势平稳。多数国家加速将执政重心转至发展经济、改善民生、应对海平面上升等方面。这表明了太平洋岛国民众渴望政治稳定、经济发展和环境保护的强烈愿望正成为太平洋岛国的主流社会思潮。太平洋岛国经济发展也呈分化之势,一些国家由于顺应世界潮流,实现了经济的快速增长;而另一些国家经济则持续下行。在国际政治舞台上,太平洋岛国用“一个声音说话”,显示了太平洋岛国在国际政治特别是全球气候治理方面拥有越来越多的话语权。在... 展开



Abstract:The Pacific Islands witnessed stability in 2019 in political,economic and diplomatic areas with most Pacific Island countries prioritizing economic growth,better livelihood and sea level rising. This reflects the aspirations of the mainstream society in the Pacific Islands for political stability,economic development and environmental protection. The PICs presents a differentiation in economic advancement as some keep a rapid growt... 展开

Abstract:The Pacific Islands witnessed stability in 2019 in political,economic and diplomatic areas with most Pacific Island countries prioritizing economic growth,better livelihood and sea level rising. This reflects the aspirations of the mainstream society in the Pacific Islands for political stability,economic development and environmental protection. The PICs presents a differentiation in economic advancement as some keep a rapid growth by conforming to global trends whereas others decline. Internationally,the PICs articulate in “one voice” in international politics,reflecting an increasing say in global environmental and climate governance. In the aspect of regional development,the PICs work together to advance the “Blue Pacific” programme at one level and accelerate the “Looking to North” strategy at the other in the hopes of pushing forward economic development. The PICs-China relations of mutual cooperation have been deepened and intensified and thereby open a new chapter against the backdrop of their common aspiration of the BRI and the community of “shared future”



