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作者:高文志 祝妍雯 出版日期:2012年08月 报告页数:26 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16520 字 所属丛书:投资蓝皮书 所属图书:中国投资发展报告(2012) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:全球已经进入后危机时代,经济走势充满了不确定性。金融系统的去杠杆化、频频爆发的债务危机、不断恶化的中东局势,这些因素都使全球经济面临再次放缓的风险。2012年,世界格局将在危机和动荡中加速变化。美国经济基本面已经开始好转,但政治风险依然存在;欧洲债务问题依然前路漫长,可能会陷入轻度衰退。在这种情况下,中国面临着来自外贸、投资等多方面的挑战,经济结构调整的需求越来越紧迫。为此,我国2012年提出了“稳中求进”的经济总基调,积极推进经济体制改革,... 展开



Abstract:While the world has entered a post-crisis era, the economy is full of uncertainties: the deleveraging of the financial system, frequent outbreaks of debt crisis, the worsening situation in the Middle East. All these factors have put the global economy at risks. In 2012 the turmoil and crises will accelerate the changes of the world. For America the fundamentals of the economy has begun to improve, but political risk still exists. Due ... 展开

Abstract:While the world has entered a post-crisis era, the economy is full of uncertainties: the deleveraging of the financial system, frequent outbreaks of debt crisis, the worsening situation in the Middle East. All these factors have put the global economy at risks. In 2012 the turmoil and crises will accelerate the changes of the world. For America the fundamentals of the economy has begun to improve, but political risk still exists. Due to debt problems Europe may fall into a mild recession. In such situation China faces challenges from trade and investment, and the needs for economic restructuring is increasingly urgent. Therefore,, Chinese government has set the tone of 2012 economy as "making progress while ensuring stability", planning to actively promote economic reform and reduce the speed while improving the quality of the economy's growth. In this case the growth rate of the China's economy will be relatively low in 2012.



