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作者:吴洪振 出版日期:2018年06月 报告页数:8 页 报告大小: 报告字数:6663 字 所属丛书:工业和信息化蓝皮书 所属图书:世界信息技术产业发展报告(2017~2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2017年,新能源汽车电子产业继续保持快速增长,成为汽车行业发展的重要支撑。汽车电子成本占整车成本的比重已经从20世纪70年代的4%上升到现在的40%左右,在新能源汽车中的比例甚至已经超过了50%。当前,新能源汽车电子产业发展环境良好,市场规模持续扩大,行业集中度不断提高;汽车全产业链绑定关系减弱,商业模式发生改变;汽车电子后市场成为竞争焦点,各类企业相继涌入;新型器件、材料、技术逐步问世,技术革新加快。未来,新能源汽车电子市场规模还将进一步扩大,技... 展开



Abstract:In 2017,new energy automotive electronics industry kept growing rapidly and became an important support to the development of the automotive industry. The proportion of automotive electronics costs in that of whole car has risen from 4% in the 1970s to around 40% today,while this proportion has even surpassed 50% in the case of new energy vehicles(source of data:sorted public data).At present,the new energy automotive electronic... 展开

Abstract:In 2017,new energy automotive electronics industry kept growing rapidly and became an important support to the development of the automotive industry. The proportion of automotive electronics costs in that of whole car has risen from 4% in the 1970s to around 40% today,while this proportion has even surpassed 50% in the case of new energy vehicles(source of data:sorted public data).At present,the new energy automotive electronics industry boasts a good development environment,whose market size continues to expand and industrial concentration continues to grow. The binding of the entire industrial chain of automobile has weakened while its business model has changed. The post-market of automotive electronics has become the focus of competition,which is attracting all kinds of enterprises. New devices,materials and technologies are gradually unveiled,as the technical innovation is accelerated. In the future,the market scale of new energy automotive electronics will be further expanded. Technologies and products will develop in the direction of intelligence,integration,low costs and high reliability. The before market of automotive electronics will gradually become a hotspot of development.


