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作者:陶希东 郁奇民 出版日期:2020年06月 报告页数:8 页 报告大小: 报告字数:6662 字 所属丛书:国际城市蓝皮书 所属图书:国际城市发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:基层社区治理是国家治理体系中重要的一环,推进治理能力现代化需要基层社区不断提高治理绩效与水平。在现代化浪潮中,社会分工细化下,青年因工作等原因,在社区事务中出现的身影越来越少,成为世界性现象。如何有效动员年轻人的力量,将年轻人组织起来为基层社区治理增添亮眼的色彩,成为各地社区亟待解决的问题。本报告借助美国城市研究所(The Urban Institute)于2019年9月发布的关于动员青年进行社区参与的研究报告,在分析美国“全国社区指数合作组织”(The Nation... 展开

文章摘要:基层社区治理是国家治理体系中重要的一环,推进治理能力现代化需要基层社区不断提高治理绩效与水平。在现代化浪潮中,社会分工细化下,青年因工作等原因,在社区事务中出现的身影越来越少,成为世界性现象。如何有效动员年轻人的力量,将年轻人组织起来为基层社区治理增添亮眼的色彩,成为各地社区亟待解决的问题。本报告借助美国城市研究所(The Urban Institute)于2019年9月发布的关于动员青年进行社区参与的研究报告,在分析美国“全国社区指数合作组织”(The National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership,NNIP)具体做法的基础上,对我国提出相关建议。


Abstract:Grass-root governance is an important part of the governance system. To advance the modernization of governance capability,the community level should continue to improve the governance performance. In the modernized tide,as the increasingly fining of division of labor in society. ever fewer young people take part in their communities because of the work and other reasons. This has become a phenomenon in the world. Mobilizing the you... 展开

Abstract:Grass-root governance is an important part of the governance system. To advance the modernization of governance capability,the community level should continue to improve the governance performance. In the modernized tide,as the increasingly fining of division of labor in society. ever fewer young people take part in their communities because of the work and other reasons. This has become a phenomenon in the world. Mobilizing the youth and encouraging maximized potential to participate in the community governance become an problem to be solved all over the world. Base on the research report on engaging young people in making community published by The Urban Institude in September 2019,and base on the specific practices of The National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership,this paper presents some passive suggestions.



