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作者:张甜 出版日期:2021年03月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12823 字 所属丛书:中东欧蓝皮书 所属图书:中东欧国家发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2019年爱沙尼亚举行议会选举,改革党维持议会第一大党地位,之前被看好的Eesti 200无缘议会席位;中间党、保守人民党和祖国联盟—共和国党组成新的执政联盟,于里·拉塔斯再次当选爱沙尼亚总理。2019年爱沙尼亚经济发展良好,国内生产总值持续稳步增长。2019年,爱沙尼亚成功入选2020年和2021年联合国安理会非常任理事国,与俄罗斯重启停滞多年的高层会晤,两国经贸关系开始走向正常化,然而双方在语言和领土问题上依然争执不断。2019年,新政府推出2019~2023年政府行动纲... 展开

文章摘要:2019年爱沙尼亚举行议会选举,改革党维持议会第一大党地位,之前被看好的Eesti 200无缘议会席位;中间党、保守人民党和祖国联盟—共和国党组成新的执政联盟,于里·拉塔斯再次当选爱沙尼亚总理。2019年爱沙尼亚经济发展良好,国内生产总值持续稳步增长。2019年,爱沙尼亚成功入选2020年和2021年联合国安理会非常任理事国,与俄罗斯重启停滞多年的高层会晤,两国经贸关系开始走向正常化,然而双方在语言和领土问题上依然争执不断。2019年,新政府推出2019~2023年政府行动纲领,在多个领域进行系统全面的改革;爱沙尼亚迎来歌唱节150周年;最新PISA评估结果显示,爱沙尼亚排名居欧洲之首。随着“中国—中东欧国家合作”的不断深入,中爱两国政治互信不断加强,经贸合作、文化交流等方面的内容也愈加丰富。


Abstract:In 2019,Estonia held parliamentary elections and the Reform Party remained the largest party in parliament. The promising Eesti 200 gained no seats in the parliament. The Centre Party,the Conservative People’s Party and Isamaa formed a new ruling Coalition,and Jüri Ratas was re-elected Prime Minister. In 2019,Estonia’s economy developed well and its GDP continued to grow steadily. In this year,Estonia was elected a non-permanen... 展开

Abstract:In 2019,Estonia held parliamentary elections and the Reform Party remained the largest party in parliament. The promising Eesti 200 gained no seats in the parliament. The Centre Party,the Conservative People’s Party and Isamaa formed a new ruling Coalition,and Jüri Ratas was re-elected Prime Minister. In 2019,Estonia’s economy developed well and its GDP continued to grow steadily. In this year,Estonia was elected a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for 2020 and 2021. It also reopened the high-level meeting with Russia suspended for many years,which helped normalize trade between the two countries. However,the two countries still had disputes over language and territory issues. In 2019,the new government launched the state reform action plan for 2019-2023,which outlines comprehensive reforms in multiple fields. Estonia held the 150th anniversary of the Song Celebration;and the country ranked first in Europe in the latest PISA test. With the deepening of China-CEEC Cooperation,mutual political trust between China and Estonia was strengthened and economic cooperation and cultural exchanges become diversified.


