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作者:〔日〕平石直昭 张厚泉 出版日期:2020年12月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:22881 字 所属图书:日本学研究 第31辑 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:荻生徂徕将明代李攀龙、王世贞提倡的文学运动理念——古文辞作为解释儒学古典的方法论进行了重新定义,并运用这种方法,与古注、新注、古义学等徂徕之前的经典注释对峙,树立了独自的儒学学说。本文通过与徂徕之前的儒学相比较,从经学和孔子形象两个方面阐明其独到的见解。在经学方面,徂徕进一步加深了始于仁斋的、对汉宋两学天人相关说的批判,彻底切断了天地自然与人世间的连续性。另外,针对“道”“极”“教/传”,其视古注为“古来相传之说”予以肯定,从而为自身... 展开



Abstract:Li Panlong and Wang Shizhen in Ming China advocated Guwenci(古文辞)as the ideal style of writing. Ogyū Sorai redefined it as a methodology for interpretation of the Confucian classics. Using the method,Sorai established a new theory opposing to such previous schools as Ancient Annotation,New Annotation,and Jinsai Studies. This article clarifies Sorai’s original views in two fields,i.e.,the study of Confucian classics and the ... 展开

Abstract:Li Panlong and Wang Shizhen in Ming China advocated Guwenci(古文辞)as the ideal style of writing. Ogyū Sorai redefined it as a methodology for interpretation of the Confucian classics. Using the method,Sorai established a new theory opposing to such previous schools as Ancient Annotation,New Annotation,and Jinsai Studies. This article clarifies Sorai’s original views in two fields,i.e.,the study of Confucian classics and the image of Confucius,comparing his theory with three other schools.As for the study of Confucian classics,Sorai throughly carried out the criticism which Jinsai began to make against the theory of the correspondence between heaven and man,held by both the Han and the Song Learning,and drew a sharp line between heaven and man. Also,concerning such ideas as “Dao”,“Ji”,and “Jiao/Chuan”,Sorai evaluated the interpretations by the Han scholars as “the theory handed down from ancient times”,and used them as evidence for the validity of his theory.With regard to the image of Confucius,Sorai,referring to the previous interpretations of the Analects in a critical way,created a new figure of the Master consisting of four aspects of “revolutionist”,“inheritor of Guanzhong line”,“preacher”,and “compiler of the six classics”.



